World’s First Solar-Powered E Ink Traffic Signs Rolled Out in Sydney

By: | August 3rd, 2015



The Australian Road and Maritime Services (RMS) have rolled out a series of solar-powered E Ink traffic signs throughout Sydney, Australia in an effort to test their viability as digital signage in major cities.

The moves make a ton of sense when you take into the account that the signs are extremely easy to read, can be easily changed, have minimal glare, and consume very little power in total.

For now, the signs, which are connected to the government’s servers by way of 3G, will display real-time data to drivers in Sydney and can be updated with new info at any time.

Each sign is 100% sustainable, can function at any time of the day or night, and utilize solar panels for the small amount of electricity that they draw on for power.

Visiontech, the company behind the E Ink traffic signs, believes this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as how the technology will be used in the future.

Instead of cities spending millions of dollars annually on temporary signs, E Ink digital signage offers an alternative that is both cheap and customizable over a long period of time.





Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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