Twenty One 21st Century Engineering Challenges (11-21)

By: | April 1st, 2013

18)  Explore the deep oceans – we have written about the future of the oceans in IndustryTap which cover 90% of the planet ard are closely linked to the well-being of every human. Only 2% of the oceans have been explored and over the coming decades exploration will expand. In exploring oceans humans will learn much about the life that lives in the ocean and our interdependence.

In fact, much of the history of humanity can be read in sunken ships on the floor of the ocean that reveal to us how humans survived, flourished and expanded over the centuries. Google Ocean Maps is now providing a “street view” look at the oceans employing the same type of cameras used for mapping roads.  Visit


David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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