Twenty One 21st Century Engineering Challenges (11-21)

By: | April 1st, 2013

17)  Establish Mars Settlement – in an IndustryTap article we wrote about Elon Musk he expressed an interest in “dying on Mars but not on impact”. Musk is planning to establish a Mars colony of up to 80,000 people. His SpaceX company estimates the cost of the trip at $500,000 per person. The journey would be taken in a large reusable rocket powered by liquid oxygen and methane. Musk wants to start a self sustaining civilization that has everything it needs to grow. As we have seen in the past, big dreams are important to move civilization forward and this may be one of them!

Mar Exploration (Video Courtesy

David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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