Top 5 Ways to Make Your Company Network Secure

By: | November 16th, 2021

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Network security refers to any activity that is designed for protecting the integrity and usability of your company data and network. A comprehensive network security system guards your confidential data and tackles any threats that may enter your company’s network. 

Network security includes both software and hardware technologies. 

Digitization continues to transform our world. Unfortunately, it also gives rise to an alarming number of security threats on various fronts. The more applications and devices we use, the more vulnerable our networks become. 

The question remains: how can you secure your company network?

In this guide, we are going to offer the top 5 ways to secure your network, for protecting your company’s data and proprietary information from malicious attacks. 

1. Update your Passwords Regularly

Hackers are becoming smarter and can easily figure out simple passwords. 

Encourage your employees to choose strong passwords and change all default passwords. Never use common information such as birth dates, contact number, etc. when setting a new password. The best tip is to combine both lowercase and uppercase letters along with numbers and special characters for added security. While you should change your passwords quarterly, you can change them as frequently as you can for ensuring complete safety. Many companies also use a password manager to generate a long and unique password for every account you have, randomly. 

Another tip is to add the two-step verification feature to connect to your company’s network. Employees who wish to connect to your network will not have to enter the username and password only but also a code that they receive through text or email. 

Use an encrypted protocol for passwords on the company network’s router. WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2) or WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 3) are both great options to choose for securing your wireless network.

2. Install a Firewall

A firewall is a set of hardware or software that blocks unauthorized access to your networks and computers. Installing a firewall means you set rules for controlling the incoming and outgoing traffic. Hence, only those networks and computers can access your company’s network system that complies with these rules. Other devices will not be allowed.

With time, firewalls are becoming more sophisticated and effective. Integrated network security platforms are created which feature numerous methods and approaches for preventing breaches. 

3. Update your Anti-Virus Software Frequently

If a company fails to update its antivirus software, its network security is at great risk. One of the best ways to secure your network security system is by updating your antivirus software regularly. That way, you can design a foolproof network security system and seal any ‘cracks’ that hackers may find easily.

In addition to that, don’t forget to educate your company employees on how they can keep a check on all company devices. There are some signs that can indicate if your computers or devices are hacked. For example, crashes, slow download speeds, and frequent pop-up windows may indicate that a virus has entered a device. 

4. Use a Private Virtual Network (VPN)

One of the best methods to make your company network secure is to use a VPN. A virtual private network encrypts data and secures the connection between computers and the internet.

Generally, VPN services have a built-in feature called the kill switch that disconnects your hardware from your network as soon as a protected connection gets lost. A VPN also allows employees to access company data securely (and even remotely) without putting any risks to network security. Especially in today’s age and time, when remote working is the new norm, the use of VPN is one of the most effective ways to let your employees access company information with safety. 

Here are a few other benefits of using a VPN:

  • Prevents bandwidth Throttling
  • Offers network scalability
  • Low costs for setup and maintenance 

5. Seek Professional Advice

As a business owner, you may know little about how to manage your IT operations while avoiding malicious viruses and hacking attempts. If that’s the case, get expert advice from experienced and skilled network security professionals. 

Network security professionals can tackle security issues even before they arise by ensuring a foolproof network security system. With a skilled and qualified professional guarding your company network, 24 hours a day and seven days a week, you can minimize the incidents of data leaks. 

Final Thoughts 

Are there any other tips on how you can make your company network secure that we have missed? Let us know in the


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