The New Sure Revolution in Agriculture AI-controlled Vertical Farms

By: | March 8th, 2021

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Technology continues to unravel mysteries. E-commerce, transport, and now farming are some of the industries that have felt the transformation that arises from technological advancement.

Did you know that the global population is about to hit the 8 billion mark? Such statistics translate into a strain on the available resources, including food production. According to the eighteenth-century economist Thomas Malthus, the increase in population translates to a rise in the demand for food. However, food remains scarce.

Notably, food availability remains one of the most significant concerns around the globe. Now that the population is increasing tenfold, the intensity of the worry has risen to detectable levels. National Geographic has already predicted that there will be two billion additional mouths that require food by 2050. However, the irrigable land of the world remains static.

A question arises, how will the world cope with the high demand for food? The answer to this question lies with the advancement of AI-controlled farms.

Definition of AI-controlled farms

In San Francisco, Nate Story, the founder of Plenty, has come up with the thought of revolutionizing crop production. He has established AI-controlled farms. The farms are climate-controlled and are vertically erected. The cost of installing them was $400 million, which included funding from multiple sponsors.

Production capacity

The vertical farms that stand on two acres of land can only currently produce fruits and vegetables similar to what a 720 acre or agricultural land can produce.

How Do The Farms Work?

AI-controlled robots control the lighting, watering, and temperature of the farms. Additionally, the farms use LED panels to emulate the sunlight, enabling them to grow 24/7 under optimal conditions.

Regarding water usage, the farms waste no water because they recycle water. Subsequently, evaporating water gets recaptured and repurposed into the cycle.

Notably, the capacity optimization of the AI-farms is 99% on land. Also, the farms use 95% less water in comparison to conventional farms.

The Final Say

The AI-controlled farms will indeed revolutionize crop production. The production of the farms is 400 times the production that traditional farms are able to offer.

It is time for the world to bid goodbye to food scarcity and interrupted food production and welcome AI-controlled vertical farms.

For more on this exciting development, watch this video from Plenty Farms that highlights how farms are using AI and Robotics to their advantage.


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