Test Probabilistic Computing in Your Quest For Quantum Computing

By: | April 27th, 2021

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Scientists are yet to achieve a complete transition to quantum computing. However, they are gaining mileage towards achieving the transformation.

The Achievements From Quantum Computing

After the achievement of the transition to quantum systems, the scientists will manage to explore most of what quantum physics’s probabilistic rules have to offer. Additionally, the achievement of practical quantum systems will result in a tectonic shift in solving an array of computations.

Quantum computers will deliver vast theoretical practices, but the journey towards building practical machines has several hurdles. However, all we have to do is wait for the dream of functional quantum systems to materialize, and we have a feeling that we don’t have to wait too long!

Probabilistic Computing

Even though the journey to achieve practical quantum systems seems long, it has inspired the development of computing systems’ probability. In the 1980s, Richard Feynman, a late physicist, had hopes that the idea of computing will eventually become a reality.

In 2012, a team of researchers capitalized on Feynman’s idea and started exploring the probabilistic bits, also known as p-bits. They sought to use the term in relation to a quantum computer unit of information or the qubit. The main objective of the exploration was building a p-bit.

The Development of a P-bit

A magnet that has two possible magnetization directions can store a bit. It is an approach that early computers use, and it is known as magnetic-core memory. The memory is hard to miniaturize because magnets tend to become unstable as they become smaller.

However, researchers have managed to come up with a p-bit using small unstable magnets. Also, the researchers have managed to create a probabilistic computer using eight p-bits. Notably, the evolvement of p-bit systems involves several paths that have a certain probability of a pure chance.

The Bottom Line

A probabilistic computer has a theoretical capability of emulating a quantum computer even though its approach may not employ a practical strategy. However, it is a milestone that gets us closer to the achievement of quantum computing.

Watch the video below to learn more about Quantum Computing:


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