It Takes Merely 10 Minutes to Fully Charge This New 75-Foot Electric Ferry

By: | May 3rd, 2014



The MovitzĀ is a 75-foot ferry based out of Stockholm, Sweden, capable of carrying 100 passengers, but has never really been newsworthy until now.

That’s because the Movitz’sĀ 335-horsepower diesel engine is being replaced by two 125 kilowatt electric motors mounted on each side of the hull.

One of the first questions that comes to mind is how to charge this electric beast.

Incredibly, a rapid charging system is capable of giving the ferry’s 180 kilowatt-hour nickel metal hydride batteries enough charge to run approximately 1 hour at 9 knots… And by rapid, I mean a 10 minute charge!

Echandia Marine is responsible for designing the rapid charging system. The company claims the conversion will cut 130 tons of CO2 emissions and 1.5 tons of NOx emissions. The conversion will also slice operating costs by 30%.

Ferries are a vital mode of transportation in Stockholm as it is a city built across 14 islands and heavily relies on water routes to get people from place to place.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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