Solo: the World’s First Smart Micro Drone

By: | March 10th, 2016

3dr solo    2.0 e1457024379689

3dr solo 2.0 e1457024379689

Micro Drones are taking over the world, and they are increasingly packed with sophisticated high technology including “cinematic made automatic.”

Micro Drone 3.0, otherwise known as Solo, from 3DRobotics (3DR), boasts a fully automated flight system and camera control, computer-assisted “smart shots.” Solo provides more focus on imagery with knobs that adjust the camera angle and angle presets.

The new “smart drone” can be radio controlled with a traditional controller or with iOS or Android device apps. Solo is powered by two computers running at 1 GHz, two 880 KV motors, and is the only “all in one drone” today offering wireless HD video streaming directly from its GoPro camera to the user’s mobile device at distances up to 2,624 feet (800m).

The image below shows additional Solo specs: a smart battery with LED indicator, LED lights for directional awareness, an accessory bay, self-tightening glass-fortified nylon props, and a PixHawk 2 flight controller.

Solo Smart Drone

Solo Smart Drone (Image Courtesy

3DR’s Micro Drone 3.0 shoots video at 720×1280 at 30 frames per second (fps) which is stabilized using the world’s smallest gimbal, a mechanism that keeps the drone horizontal as its moves.

With Micro Drone 3.0 Solo, 3DR expects to capitalize on the burgeoning “first person view” flying and drone racing markets.

The following video shows Solo at work.

Following are 7 Solo Smart video shot examples:

David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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