Solar Impulse 2 Already Sets One Record on Journey From Oman to India

By: | March 11th, 2015



Earlier this week, I wrote about the Solar Impulse 2 beginning its around-the-world flight attempt with zero fuel, which departed Monday from Abu Dhabi.

As of today, the solar-powered aircraft is already breaking records, having claimed the record for flying the longest ever distance for a solar powered plane going point-to-point en route from Oman to India.

In total, the voyage from Muscat, Oman to Ahmedabad was 912 miles, encompassed 13 hours and 20 minutes, and featured pilot Bertrand Piccard flying 115 mph while 28,000 feet above the ground.

If you are interested in following the Solar Impulse 2’s journey in real-time, check out THIS LINK.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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