Smartphone Microblogging Bowls Liberate Hands, Enhance Love Life

By: | May 25th, 2015



For ambitious young newlyweds, or anyone climbing the corporate ladder, the use of smartphone microblogging bowls can kill two birds with one stone: keep a loved one from getting lonely and ensure that a spouse keeps his or her nose to the grindstone, even while eating. Better yet, if one is single, and on the wrong side of China’s male to female ratio, a smartphone microblogging bowl can help one hook up more often; after all, finding love is a numbers game.

Microblogging Bowl

Microblogging Bowl (Image Courtesy

Microblogging Bowl

Microblogging Bowl (Image Courtesy

Taobao: Great Stuff at Wholesale & Bulk Prices

On Alibaba’s online auction site, Taobao, many Chinese workers come home at the end of a long day and search through the site for consumer products, like the microblogging bowl, that can be bought inexpensively. Some recent popular items included Tibetan wooden bowls, Japanese style hand-painted ceramic bowls, wooden cutlery and stainless steel dinnerware.

But Chinese aren’t the only people regularly surfing Taobao. Many Western companies and people, including US, retailers and online stores, purchase items directly from TaoBao, which provides affordability, fast and reliable international shipping services and very friendly customer service.

Taobao Derailed Ebay’s Entry Into China

Taobao is the website that effectively quashed eBay’s ambitions for the Chinese market.In 2003, when Taobao was launched, eBay held 80% of the Chinese auction market, but things went quickly downhill with eBay shutting down operations in 2006.

Of course the site is home to counterfeiters, such as Hong Po which was selling the deed is products and recently received a cease and desist notice from the website.

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David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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