Although no amount of money can buy even a second of time, super-wealthy have a strong desire to live forever.
That is why it’s not surprising that a mysterious anti-aging research company in Silicon Valley has received a huge fund.
The lab in question, Altos Labs is dedicated to finding out how to reverse the aging process. It hopes to develop a technology to reprogram human cells that can be an essential factor for immortality.
The lab is hiring top scientists from all over the world by offering them $1 million annual salaries and freehand in research.
Who has been on-boarded so far?
Shinya Yamanaka, who shared a Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine in 2021 for the discovery of reprogramming will serve on the company’s scientific advisory board.
Spanish biologist Juan Carlos Izpisúa Belmonte, who earlier lead a team that implanted human cells into monkey embryos and predicted that humans could live for another 50 years, has also reportedly joined the company.
About the investors!
The research-based company claims few big names like Jeff Bezos and Yuri Milner as its investors.
Earlier, Bezos stepped down as Amazon’s CEO in July this year. He said he would spend his time on his philanthropic pursuits and passion projects. Yuri Milner is an Israeli entrepreneur. A billionaire, he is a philanthropist and specializes in investing in high-tech projects.