One in Five Latin Americans Base Company Opinions on CSR Efforts

By: | August 30th, 2024

New research reveals that CSR exerts a great influence on Latin American consumers’ opinions and even purchasing decisions. 

In today’s business landscape, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has evolved from an interesting voluntary initiative to a critical component of corporate strategy. Companies are no longer judged solely on their financial performance; they are also evaluated on their contributions to society and to the environment. 

This global shift towards greater accountability and transparency is reshaping how businesses operate, pushing CSR to the forefront of corporate agendas and exerting great influence on how consumers relate to these actions. 

A recent study by Sherlock Communications has brought to light the significant influence of CSR efforts on consumer opinions in Latin America: one in five Latin Americans base company opinions on CSR efforts. This and other findings from the CSR Report in Latin America bring a clear view to the table of the region’s CSR landscape, emphasizing the increasing importance Latin American consumers pose on CSR. 

These findings underscore the crucial role of CSR in a region where consumers are increasingly scrutinizing the ethical practices of businesses, to such an extent that it not only influences their opinions but also their purchasing decisions, further revealing the substantial impact of CSR efforts on corporate reputation. 

With the help of this insightful data, in this article, we’ll explore the power of CSR in swaying public opinion, delve deeper into consumer views on CSR, and identify the needs, expectations, and challenges unique to Latin America. These are all key aspects for effectively translating CSR activities into tangible results, ensuring that efforts align with local needs, preferences, and cultural considerations.

Overview of the CSR Landscape in Latin America

In Latin America, CSR has emerged as a pivotal element in how companies operate and engage with their stakeholders. The region is witnessing a growing emphasis on social and environmental responsibility, driven by an increasingly aware and concerned population. 

The region has played a key role in the development of technical standards on a global scale, and the subject of corporate responsibility is indeed more prominent than ever, not just in corporate thinking but also within the general public. 

Despite this growing awareness, the implementation of CSR efforts in the region faces unique challenges, such as the region’s diverse economic, social, and cultural contexts, meaning that what works in one country might not be effective in another. 

Other regional obstacles include infrastructure and governance gaps and logistical hurdles such as supply chain traceability, access to green technologies, and a lack of government oversight.

Nevertheless, the demand for CSR is undeniable. Consumers across Latin America are calling for more significant investment in social and environmental projects. The public’s growing expectation calls for companies to go beyond mere compliance and actively contribute to the well-being of the communities they serve. 

This shift in consumer expectations is reshaping the business landscape, compelling companies to integrate CSR more deeply into their core strategies.

Yet, most of the time, global companies operating in the region tend to push their own channels of communication, practices, and projects, instead of relying on existing local structures and building on previous experience so as to guarantee the long-term success of CSR activities and communications. 

About the report

Sherlock Communications, an award-winning PR agency in Latin America, launched its second edition of the CSR Report in Latin America, which presents findings of a survey conducted across more than 3,000 consumers in six different Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, México, and Peru.

CSR Efforts’ Power as Opinion Formers

The insights from the report are a testament to an undeniable fact: CSR actions play a major role in shaping Latin Americans’ opinions of companies. Consumers in the region are increasingly using CSR as a key lens through which they evaluate companies. For many, a company’s social and environmental actions are not merely a peripheral concern; they are central to how they form their opinions about the business.

This is such that an overwhelming majority (81%) of Latin American consumers say CSR actions affect their opinion of companies. Moreover, three out of five Latin Americans generally think better of companies that are socially and environmentally conscious. 

Would you like to know how many consumers indicated they are not concerned about CSR? Get ready: only 1%. The call seems clear. 

This reflects a broader trend in which consumers are demanding more from companies they engage with. They expect businesses to demonstrate genuine commitment to social and environmental causes, and this expectation directly impacts their perceptions of companies. 

Latin Americans demand more investment in CSR efforts

The demands of Latin American consumers do not end there; there is a resounding call for companies to intensify their CSR investments. Consumers in the region are not only aware of the importance of CSR efforts, but they also bring to light the necessity for the demand that businesses make more decisive and impactful decisions. 

89% of Latin American consumers believe companies should be investing more in social and environmental projects — more than half of respondents (52%) were particularly strong about this. 

Where should CSR efforts be directed?

We can dive straight into Latin Americans’ expectations in terms of CSR actions thanks to the findings of this insightful report. The top issues Latin Americans want companies to respond to are the following, in order of importance:

  • Fight against air and water pollution (50%)
  • Healthcare (45%)
  • Global warming and its consequences (43%)
  • Fight against poverty (40%)
  • Fight against hunger (39%)

CSR Reputational Impact: The Tangible Effect on Business

So far, we have quite a clear picture of CSR in Latin America: it cannot be overstated that Latin American consumers do place a high level of importance on these actions, which, in turn, directly influence their opinions. But what are the direct consequences of CSR efforts or failing to properly engage in these initiatives for companies?

A company’s reputation, once built primarily on product quality and customer service, now hinges significantly on its CSR activities and communications. Latin American consumers are proof of that: three out of four Latin Americans say they “only buy or hire a service from companies that are socially responsible.”

In fact, 77% of Latin Americans do not recommend companies that are not socially responsible. On the other side of the coin, an overwhelming 85% “trust companies when they communicate their socially responsible activities.” 

Therefore, a strong commitment to CSR can lead to heightened brand loyalty, where consumers choose to support companies that they perceive as responsible and trustworthy. On the flip side, companies that neglect their CSR obligations or engage in unethical practices face the risk of severe reputational damage. 

Corporate misbehavior is resulting in significant lost purchasing opportunities

Unsatisfied Latin American consumers can go a step further in expressing their disagreement and, for companies, this means that corporate misbehavior can be an expensive mistake. 

The data from the CSR Report shows that a considerable number of Latin American consumers actively avoid purchasing from businesses they perceive as socially and environmentally irresponsible. 66% in Latin America reported avoiding buying from a company in the last year due to corporate behavior they did not like

This avoidance translates into tangible financial losses, as it seems pretty clear that Latin American customers are willing to take their money elsewhere if a company fails to meet their ethical expectations.

The Imperative of Authentic, Locally Oriented CSR Efforts in Latin America

For businesses operating in Latin America, the message is unmistakable: authentic and meaningful CSR efforts are essential for building trust, fostering loyalty, and driving sustainable growth in the region. 

Companies that embrace this responsibility and align their actions with local values, needs, and experience will not only enhance their reputational standing but also secure a competitive edge in a Latin American market that increasingly values corporate ethical behavior.

Companies that fail to meet the public’s expectations in this regard can face severe reputational damage. Instances of social irresponsibility or environmental neglect can rapidly tarnish a brand’s image, leading to a loss of consumer trust that is difficult to rebuild.

In essence, CSR actions are no longer optional for businesses operating in Latin America — they are a fundamental aspect of securing long-term success. 


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