Many may be distracted by tonight’s Super Bowl but yesterday, Saturday, February 6, 2016, the Indian Point Nuclear Plant owned by Entergy (ETR) and located along the Hudson River reported radiation levels in 3 monitored test wells at 65,000 times higher than normal.
Some early reports are downplaying the seriousness of the issue. But really, how much credibility does the nuclear power industry have? The potential seriousness of the event is underscored by its central location in a 50 mile radius that includes Connecticut, New Jersey and New York City.
Could Be a Game Changing Event
As Americans focus on the Super Bowl tonight a nightmare “game changing” event could be unfolding with serious consequences for New York City’s financial markets. Located just 35 miles from New York City a major event would shut down the city and Wall Street.
Test Wells Contaminated
Leaks into test wells surrounding the nuclear plant of highly radioactive would suggest the large pool of circulating cooling water surrounding the nuclear rod containment vessel has been cracked or ruptured.
And If highly radioactive water is seeping into groundwater at the facility this would suggest the bottom of the containment vessel is cracked or ruptured. Highly radioactive water seeping into the Hudson River would be a huge disaster.