Like many people, I don’t know how to surf.
For us, the art of bodysurfing is what it’s all about when we catch some waves.
Sometimes you slam your face on the bottom of the ocean, and sometimes you ride a wave all the way into shore. It can be pretty addictive.
But what if I told you there was a new bodysurfing wetsuit that essentially turns your body into a the closest thing it will get to a surfboard?
That’s exactly what Nick Gadler’s WaveWrecker is: a bodysurfing wetsuit that kind of bridges the gap between a boogie board and a surfboard.
Featuring 11 flexible foam fins, lending to added buoyancy and improved directional control, the WaveWrecker hopes to be the next big thing to hit Kickstarter.
Gadler hopes he can hit his goal of $10,000 to put his unique bodysurfing wetsuit into production.
If you feel like supporting the future of bodysurfing then go ahead and donate because as of writing this, the campaign has only reached about one-third of its goal.