NASA’s Flying Saucer Tests Precursor to Successful Red Planet Missions

By: | June 2nd, 2015

LDSD flying

LDSD flying

NASA’s second supersonic, edge of the Earth’s atmosphere, test of the flying saucer like Low Density Supersonic Decelerate (LDSD) was postponed this morning due to dicey weather conditions. In order for the flying saucer to be safely recovered wave heights must be low enough to minimize the chance of damage to the LDSD or injury to the recovery crew. As usual NASA has scheduled the next attempt, which will be tomorrow, June 3, 2015 in the early afternoon.

According to NASA, the LDSD test represents another opportunity for people to witness a unique experimental flight test. Images from the spaceship will be transmitted back to earth in real time.

LDSD To Help Make Ambitious Robotic Missions to Mars a Realtiy

LDSD has been designed for its eventual Mars mission, which will involve it falling through  the Martian atmosphere, deploying a supersonic parachute and allowing for a gentle landing of what will be a very expensive and important payload of instruments and perhaps, one day, humans.

Following is an image from the recovery of the LDSD after its first successful flight test.

LDSD Flying Saucer

LDSD Flying Saucer (Image Courtesy

David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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