Montage Features 83 of the 87 Rocket Launches That Took Place in 2015

By: | January 7th, 2016



To say the least, 2015 was a big year for rocket launches.

And not only was it a big year, but it was also equally as impressive. Now, we have one montage that pays homage to 83 of the 87 total rocket launches that took place last year, with only 4 Chinese launches missing from the super-cut.

Can you guess which country launched the most rockets in 2015?

I’ll give you a second…

Russia, with 29, followed by the United States with 20 and 19 from China.

The entire montage is about a half hour long, spanning from the Falcon 9 v1.1 on January 10th to Long March 3B/E on December 28th, 2015.


Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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