See How the Manholes Scattered Across New York City are Made

By: | November 16th, 2015



National Geographic states in the video description:

Filmmaker Natasha Raheja traces the origin of New York City’s famous manhole covers back to Howrah, India. In her film, Cast in India, she goes inside one of Howrah’s factories to glimpse the people behind the covers’ creation.

I highly recommend taking some time to watch the video below, which is a glimpse into what feels like a completely different time as far as the forge methods used to make the manholes go.

As you can see on the street caps, “N.Y.C. SEWER MADE IN INDIA” honors Howrah, India as one of the largest exporters of manhole covers in the world.

It’s highly unlikely anyone stops and takes the time to examine the manholes amidst the bustling foot traffic of New York City, but National Geographic does a great job of giving us a look at something millions of people hardly notice and take for granted.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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