Latest Boeing 787 Issue Could Result in Plane Losing All Electrical Power Mid-Flight

By: | May 5th, 2015



All of Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner jets have been powered off and turned back on after the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a warning declaring a software glitch in the jet’s systems could suddenly shut all electrical power to the plane mid-flight.

Of course, this would lead to pilots losing control and potential disasters. However, lab tests revealed the electrical problem only presents itself about every eight months or approximately 248 days of continuous power usage.

Boeing went ahead and took the initiative to temporarily shut down the 787 Dreamliner power systems until a permanent fix to the bug can be resolved. According to Boeing, the jets have been powered back on which should end the danger encompassing the bug for now.

“We are issuing this AD [Airworthiness Directive] to prevent loss of all AC electrical power, which could result in loss of control of the airplane,” said the FAA warning.

Hopefully, this is the last sketchy issue involving the Boeing 787 for years to come.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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