How to Protect Manufacturing Companies Against Cyber Security Threats

By: | October 5th, 2021

Cyber Security

Cyber Security

Although you might believe that cyber security is only needed for the most confidential businesses, such as medical facilities and financial institutions, manufacturing industries still have the risk of cyber attacks. As more and more processes become digitized, manufacturing companies should take the time to ensure that they are cyber secure. In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the cyber security threats that manufacturing companies might face, why they might be at risk, how cyber attacks can affect manufacturing companies and what can be done to prevent cyber security threats.

What Cyber security threats are out there for manufacturing companies?

As with any industry, manufacturing companies face the threat of cyber security. Here are some of the main threats manufacturing companies might face…

Phishing attacks: these are incredibly common cyber attacks. Phishers will send out fake emails (some of which look incredibly advanced) encouraging the company to share personal information with them. The phishers can then work their way through your system, which will allow them to find information to attack your company. This is why email security is of the highest importance.

Ransomware: another very common cyber security threat, ransomware can cause a huge amount of damage to your cyber system. Many hackers will force you to pay a ransom in order to stop the attack, which could cost you thousands.

These are two of the most common security threats that many companies face, however, there are also threats such as equipment sabotage, IP threats and supply chain attacks.

Why are manufacturing companies at risk of Cyber-attacks?

Manufacturing companies usually have long supply chains. Because the company relies on many other companies in order to manufacture their products, it means that the line is long and security systems are not as strong as they could be if the company did not rely on anyone else. These links can cause vulnerabilities and hackers can gain access to big supplies and manufacturers through smaller partners, and can then wreak havoc on the company.

Moreover, as manufacturing companies become more automated, cyber attackers have more surface area to attack, meaning that the likelihood of a cyber attack is much higher.

How can cyber-attacks affect manufacturing companies?

Cyber attacks can have a huge impact on any company, and it is no different for manufacturing companies. For example, TSMC, one of the biggest Taiwanese manufacturers was hit by a massive cyber attack that halted production and caused losses of around $170 million.

If a cyber attack forces production to halt, manufacturing companies can face huge losses as they have to reset everything after the attack. This can also lead to a break in the supply chain, which could affect many other businesses as a result.

If hit by a ransomware attack, many companies are told to pay a ransom if they do not want the rest of their technology to be affected. These ransoms can be huge, especially if the manufacturing company is large, and can seriously damage the company’s finances.

What can manufacturers do to prevent Cyber security threats?

With all of the above information, it is clear to see that manufacturing companies need to do everything in their power to ensure that they are protected from the threat of cyber security. Fortunately, there is a multitude of ways that companies can protect themselves from the threat of a cyber attack.

The first thing you need to do is to ensure that all of your software is up-to-date. From your emails to your servers to Microsoft 365, each piece of software should be running smoothly. If not, consider speaking to a professional about how you can ensure that all of your software works properly.

You should also consider installing a firewall into your system. These can stop various types of malware from entering your system, ensuring that none of your software and hardware will be damaged. You should also install antivirus software, which will scan all of your systems for malware and will report to you regularly.

Finally, the most important and easiest thing you can do to protect your company against cyber security threats is to update all of your passwords, as this is the most common way a cyber attacker might try and enter your software.


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