Follow These 6 Simple Steps in Order to Cutomize Your RWM Hand Truck

By: | November 9th, 2015



Have you been looking for the perfect hand truck for your business?

Or maybe you need a custom-built hand truck for a special application or everyday use?

RWM has got you covered…

RWM offers fixed and convertible hand trucks for every application and is committed to providing the highest quality material handling products.

RWM’s full line of hand trucks are designed with customization in mind, and building one for your needs can be completed in only six simple steps.

  • First, choose the type of hand truck you need: fixed or convertible.
  • Second, choose the frame type. Each frame type offers advantages for certain applications.
  • Third, if you are using a fixed aluminum hand truck frame, select the type of handle needed.
  • Fourth, select which size and type of nose plate is needed.
  • Fifth, select the wheels that will work best in your environment and with the weight limits you need.
  • Finally, select any additional options you would like to add to your truck.

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Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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