DeepFlight Is Taking Preorders For This Crazy Personal Submarine For $1.5 Million…

By: | October 16th, 2014



Submersible designer Graham Hawkes has unveiled his latest personal submarine design called the Deepflight Dragon.

Hawke’s new design has the capability to simply float on the water’s surface unless the thrusters are engaged to submerge the vehicle.

The Dragon is unique in the fact that it is the first-ever personal submersible to utilize solely vertical thrusters to dive and hover in place.

The 4,000 pound, 16.4 feet long, 3.6 feet tall, and 6.2 feet wide design is powered by a zero-emission electric motor capable of taking it as deep as 400 feet.

Robb Report

Robb Report

The Dragon also features the DeepFlight Dive Manager, a system that allows for the dive manager to more easily control the critical functions of the vehicle and focus completely on the driving experience.

DeepFlight is taking preorders for the Dragon, priced at $1.5 million.


Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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