Crazy Chinese Environmental Campaign Projects Crying Babies Onto Pollution to Promote Change

By: | June 15th, 2015



Pollution in China is a major issue, and I know first-hand after visiting Beijing shortly after the Summer Olympics in 2008.

The crazy thing is, many factories closed down for months in order to minimize the country’s smog problem for the games, but I could barely make out the tops of buildings just a few months after the Olympics ended.

Long story short… It’s a real issue, resulting in approximately 750,000 people dying prematurely each year from problems caused by air pollution.

In a unique Chinese environmental campaign, a firm named Xiao Zhu, which sells air purifiers, decided to project images of crying babies onto pollution to promote change.

The Breathe Again campaign, which can be seen in the video below, sets out to not only sell air purifiers, but to raise awareness by highlighting the dangers of pollution.

Honestly, I can’t think of a more effective way to show how pollution affects the environment beyond projecting crying babies onto clouds of smoke billowing out of factory towers.

Design Boom/Handsome Wong

Design Boom/Handsome Wong

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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