Common Heat Pump Faults And Repairs

By: | May 2nd, 2024

Photo by alpha innotec on Unsplash

A faulty heat pump can become a massive headache really fast. You don’t have to put up with malfunctions and inconsistencies. In fact, ignoring issues that seem small right now could cause bigger problems in the future. So, what problems should you be on the lookout for, are they easy to fix, and when should you call for professional help?

Common Heat Pump Problems

Many homeowners will want to learn to fix a heat pump themselves. That is possible for some small-scale issues but not the more complex and dangerous parts. There are lots of different components in your heat pump, and any of them can go wrong over time. Some do so through user error or poor installation, which can mean an easy fix. Others are more severe breakdowns that require expert help. You can’t repair a heat pump until you diagnose the problem. So, here are some of the more common issues to watch out for.

1) The pump isn’t doing anything

This is the worst situation. You have this brilliant heating system in place, but you’re not getting any heat out of it. The first thing to look at here is the vents. Are they blocked by furniture or too clogged up to let the heat fill the room? It sounds simplistic, but you would be surprised. If that’s not it, check the thermostat and see if you have a problem there or further along the power supply, such as the circuit breaker.

If all of that is normal, there may be a deeper issue with the reversing valve or starter. Do you hear any clicking when starting the system? Some pumps may just need a good clean and some tinkering, while others need replacement parts. Do not try and replace the starter on your own because it holds a charge even when the power is disconnected. Always call in an expert to handle it and diagnose the problem.

2) The pump is running constantly

This is the opposite problem, where your system won’t shut off and puts out too much heat. The issue here is this can lead to an uncomfortable living condition and mean very high energy costs. Again, this could have a lot to do with the thermostat. Broken thermostats or systems that are incorrectly calibrated can trigger ongoing heating.

Clogs in air filters, broken coils, refrigerant leaks, and compressor issues could also be to blame, which is why it helps to get an expert diagnosis. Another potential issue here is that you have the wrong size pump. It could be too small for the space and fighting to handle the demand to heat it. This is where it is time to consider an upgrade.

3) The pump is short cycling.

Short cycling is a big problem for the efficiency of your heat pump. This is another issue where the thermostat may be to blame. It could be down to a bad calibration or incorrect placement. You don’t want any part of the system to overheat, including the thermostat, and this can set these short cycles in motion. Some adjustments are easy to handle alone. Yet, you may want the peace of mind of a full diagnostic check.

Expert checks can go deeper into the machines to see if there are other faulty parts. There may be a broken compressor contractor. This controls the flow of electricity into the pump and could affect the running times. This needs a professional to either repair or replace it.

4) The pump is leaking liquids.

This is something you never want to see. It could be a direct refrigerant leak or an issue with a clogged drain line. Refrigerant leaks need a professional to deal with them because of the dangers involved. You also need to do it quickly because this can become a bigger problem. Leaking liquid can cause damage to the walls, both physical and cosmetic, and you don’t need those extra costs. Also, water trapped within an electrical system is an immediate safety risk.

5) The pump emits a weird smell

This is something we don’t talk about enough with AC and heating repair. It’s not all about broken parts. There are times when the system doesn’t smell right, and this could be a red flag for bigger problems. One culprit is a mold problem. This is a big health issue if spores get into the air. It may require professional cleaning if significant enough.

You can also get a burning smell from electrical issues, like wire damage and failing motors. Finally, there is the risk of an odor of decay. A creature can crawl in there, perish, and rot. Get some expert help for this because it can be an unpleasant job. It may also mean a bigger problem to solve if there’s an infestation or breach in the property.

Getting Professional Help For Your Heat Pump Problems

There are some problems you can handle on your own, but it is always better to get professional help when you aren’t confident or sure about the problems. The worst-case scenario is if you find it was a simple fix and you could have done it yourself. The best case is you get an expert to diagnose every problem, find a solution, and set you up with a fully working heat pump.

The average cost to fix a heat pump can vary, so it is best to contact a team directly for a quote. It doesn’t have to cost the earth, but you need to be sure you are paying for an expert diagnostic review before any repair costs. This means you can be sure your service team will go over every possible problem and advise you appropriately rather than throw a quick-fix solution.

Don’t Delay. Fix Your Faulty Heat Pump Now

As you can see, some problems aren’t as bad as they first seem. Issues with the cycles and consistency of the heating may be nothing more than some thermostat problems or a sign the vents need cleaning. Regular checks and maintenance can help here. However, if you get to the point where the easy fixes aren’t enough, call in the professionals.

Your local heat pump repair team will happily come out to fix a heat pump and give your system a once-over. They aren’t going to mind if it’s an easy fix, and they can help you get to know your system a little better. It’s better to be safe than sorry and fix small problems now than have the system completely break down.


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