
Farming on the High Rise

Farming on the High Rise

The world is seeing more and more eco-friendly architecture including skyscraping towers that are designed to sustain themselves. By using agricultural components and alternative energy systems these structures are built to feed and power their…

Self Sufficient Sea City of the Future

Self Sufficient Sea City of the Future

Currently approximately 71% of the earth’s surface is ocean and if global warming projections are accurate, and so far they have been, more of the earth’s surface will be submerged.  With the threat of rising…

Saving Venice: The MOSE Project

Saving Venice: The MOSE Project

The MOSE (MOdulo Sperimentale Elettromeccanico) Project in Venice, Italy is the city’s attempt to address the ever threatening problem of mass flooding that could hit the city. The project first started as far back as…

10,000 Square Ft. Tree house

10,000 Square Ft. Tree house

Crossville, Tennessee. One of the bigger trees, next to a dirt road, caught his eye. He decided to build the world’s largest tree house in its branches. But Horace had a job and a family. After…

Returning Industry to the City

Returning Industry to the City

The Protofactory positions a return of industry to the city, fostering a culture of materialism where the flow of material, production of knowledge and the experience ofcraftsmanship are offered to society. The Protofactory redefines the factory typology. Based on a…