Clean energy is no longer a buzz phrase in environmental forums. For a long time, environmental conservationists were lone voices in calling for alternative sources of energy. Fossil fuels were the default sources of energy and this is still the case today supplying about 80% of the world’s energy. With more research into fossil fuels, investment in clean renewable energy such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power has increased.
One of the biggest challenges to clean energy sources such as solar has been intermittency. The lack of reliability caused by weather variability remains a major challenge for clean energy adoption. Batteries have emerged as the best solution to overcome intermittency and help in better adoption of clean energy.
Whether you’re using solar or wind energy, a high-capacity Enovatek energy storage can help you maximize on this natural source of energy. Read on to find out why batteries are essential in transition to clean energy.
Why Clean Energy?
The extraction and burning of fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas and oil leads to harmful emissions which affect the ecosystem. Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. These emissions trap heat in the atmosphere. These materials are the main contributors to global warming. Global warming has resulted in devastating effects.
These devastating effects include droughts, water shortages, temperature rises, increased fire threats, drought, intense storms, and weed and pest invasions. Across the globe, there are extreme weather incidents all attributed to global warming.
Scientists have argued that drastic reduction of fossil fuel use can reverse the damage to the environment. This is one of the most effective strategies to curb global warming and the resultant consequences.
Today, many residential, commercial, and industrial power consumers have shifted to clean energy to counter the devastating effects of global warming. More governments have signed up to clean energy protocols. There are clean energy-friendly policies across the world.
Increased investment in renewable energy sources by governments and private entities has promoted research and helped develop a booming industry. The best thing about clean energy is that it’s not only better for the environment but also for your pocket. For instance, a solar energy system for your home can pay for itself in a few years’ time.
How Better Batteries Will Help in the Clean Energy Transition
While clean energy sources are great for the environment, their adoption faces myriad challenges. One of the biggest hurdles is intermittency. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar can’t produce energy at all hours of the day throughout the year as they depend on the weather.
The intermittency of renewables means many consumers who would like to embrace clean energy are hesitant. These energy sources are not reliable and the energy generated can fluctuate because of environmental, seasonal or daily cycles.
For a commercial or industrial facility that depends on power throughout the day and night, such fluctuations can affect operations. This is one of the limits to the use of clean energy sources and their efficiency.
Luckily, the heavy investment in clean energy has seen the development of cutting-edge storage solutions. Research shows electricity storage inventions have grown 14% a year over the past decade. High-capacity Lithium-ion batteries are now available and these help maximize clean energy systems. Here are some ways the battery will shape the transition to clean energy:
Overcoming Variability of Clean Energy Sources
What happens when you need power from your solar energy system but there’s no sunshine? Or what do you do at night when the system can’t generate energy? Energy consumers who complain about the variability of clean energy sources can finally overcome this challenge through the high-capacity storage systems.
Enovatek energy storage Systems for instance help you to store the energy you generate from your solar or wind system at home or your commercial property. This means you always have enough power to light up your home or run appliances.
Improving Energy Security
Even as investment in clean energy increases, most property owners still resort to the national grid as a backup. Battery storage overcomes this challenge and gives you more independence. You can finally go fully off-grid with this increased energy security.
Maximize the Cost Savings
Clean energy sources such as solar and wind offer great ROI. The initial cost of your solar panels might be high but with time, the system pays for itself. When you install battery storage to the solar panel system, it means you maximize the cost-savings. With no reliance on the grid, the system pays for its cost faster.
Stabilizing Clean Electricity Networks
In regions with large capacity clean energy networks, batteries play a critical role to stabilize supply. If there’s high demand for electricity or the weather conditions don’t meet the demand, the high-capacity storage systems respond to shortages. The stores excess energy generated during favorable weather conditions guarantees consistent supply of lean energy.
Final Thoughts
Clean energy is crucial today to reverse the devastation caused by non-renewable sources of energy. With the advent of high-capacity batteries, it’s possible to maximize the benefits of clean energy systems such as solar panels. These are integral in the transition from fossil fuels to clean energy.