Author Archives: admin

Human Settlements in Space: Mars Madness?

Human Settlements in Space: Mars Madness?

Advancements in technology and space travel mean human settlement on Mars is already possible using existing technologies. But while the mechanisms are ready, is human psychology? Programs like Mars One are already ramping up plans…

Hubble, Hubble, Toil and Bubble

Hubble, Hubble, Toil and Bubble

The Hubble space telescope was placed in orbital operation on April 24, 1990. It was named after Edwin Powell Hubble (1889 – 1953). Hubble (the guy) was a notable astronomer, and, among other things, known…

A Brief History of Robots

A Brief History of Robots

Since Karel Capek first introduced the world to robots in his 1920 Czech play, R.U.R.: Rossum’s Universal Robots, people have been fascinated by robots (and slightly afraid that they might take over the world). Thirty years…

The Expanding World of Shrinking Robots

The Expanding World of Shrinking Robots

The Microrobotics Lab at Harvard University is working on microbots that might be able to help, if not totally reshape, fields including agriculture, medicine and police work. These innovative microbots are being developed with the…

Exponential Growth & Disruptive Change

Exponential Growth & Disruptive Change

Business people like to think in terms of exponential increase; 3% growth per year, for example, represents a doubling in 24 years. Using Piketty’s example regarding wealth concentration, 5% per year doubles one’s asset values…