Author Archives: admin

What Is Network Monitoring?

What Is Network Monitoring?

Network monitoring is a simple concept in isolation, but it has complex connotations in a variety of contexts. If you are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of networking monitoring, this quick overview will give…

How Technology Is Enabling New Ways of Writing

How Technology Is Enabling New Ways of Writing

Technological improvements are inevitable. Throughout our history, we have witnessed multiple dynamic advancements in technology. In particular, technology and writing have both evolved over the years with resulting in radical changes in education and how…

Emerging Technologies in Distance Learning

Emerging Technologies in Distance Learning

The concept of distance learning is getting traction due to its great advantages over conventional educational methods. The term can be defined as a planned learning process that employs distance learning technology to reach students…

The Rise of XR Technology in Healthcare

The Rise of XR Technology in Healthcare

Over the years, innovations in the healthcare industry have progressed at a rapid pace. For instance, Maria Croyle’s research team describes how they’re in the process of revolutionizing the vaccine industry. They’re creating needleless vaccines…

Masks and Helmets Against COVID-19

Masks and Helmets Against COVID-19

Open source protection gear for workers, 3D printed by WASP. Italy calls and WASP gives innovations. In compliance with the rules imposed by the Italian government for the health of workers and the fight against…

Technology Breakthroughs Made by Students

Technology Breakthroughs Made by Students

Students have formed the backbone for technological breakthroughs over time. Through their own innovations, they have developed technologies that have changed the way we live our lives today. Many of these innovations discussed here are…