Author Archives: admin

A Brief History of X-Ray Fluorescence

A Brief History of X-Ray Fluorescence

X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a technique for elemental analysis, involving x-ray photons. The various elements you can analyze using XRF include metals, minerals, and plastics. In XRF, you direct x-ray beams at materials, and the…

Exploring the Increased Popularity of Cobots

Exploring the Increased Popularity of Cobots

The term ‘robot’ was first coined by Karel Capek in his 1920 play R.U.R., which talked about a dystopian future in which artificial, manufactured “roboti” boasted human-line qualities and operated as servants before launching a…

What is Hardness Testing?

What is Hardness Testing?

In not so many words, hardness is simply a material’s ability to withstand or resist localized deformation. Deformation can be in the form of indentation, scratching, cutting, or abrasion. Hardness is characterized by a strong…

Radioisotopes in the Industry

Radioisotopes in the Industry

As you may already know, ionizing radiation is all around us – with both beneficial and negative effects. A few decades ago, radioactivity was confined to only a few fields such as the military, research,…