First Picture Of The New Batmobile From The Batman/Superman Movie…
The Batman / Superman movie is set for a May 6, 2016 release but director Zack Snyder couldn’t hold off from teasing fans with an image of the new Batmobile. Here is the tweet from…
The Batman / Superman movie is set for a May 6, 2016 release but director Zack Snyder couldn’t hold off from teasing fans with an image of the new Batmobile. Here is the tweet from…
The $24 million Banshee Roller Coaster has only been open a few weeks but the tubular track of terror has already set the bar high for the other intense roller coasters set to debut this…
Lightning is one of the most powerful displays of electrostatics in nature. Its strikes have always been unpredictable, causing everything from house fires to death by striking individuals directly. Scientists at the University of Arizona…
We all know the telltale whistle of a kettle ready to brew the perfect cup of tea. Waiting for the water to reach the optimal temperature seems to take forever, though. Bkon’s Craft Brewer cuts…
Public restrooms — two words that immediately send shivers up your spine. Is it that mystery liquid on the floor or the un-flushed toilets that make you feel like you’re the star of a really…
Hepatitis C is the most common cause of cirrhosis (liver scarring), liver cancer and the most common reason for liver transplantation in the world. As many as 500,000 people die each year because of hepatitis…
Manchester, England, was the birth place of the Industrial Revolution, home to the father of atomic theory, John Dalton, and the father of modern computing, Alan Turing, not to mention Karl Marx, the contraception pill…
Proctor and Gamble revealed in January that razor sales were down because of a secular decline in facial shaving. Seeking to reverse this trend, P&G is getting ready to release a new high-end Gillette razor…
“Big Daddy” Don Garlits, who many refer to as the father of drag racing, was the first man to ever break 200 mph in a dragster. But that was about 40 years ago. Now, Garlits…
Surgically implanted microchips in the brain can help the deaf hear and the blind see, the crippled walk and the Alzheimer’s patient remember things. But what else are we capable of with this kind of…