The Cinder Cone: This Guy Quit His Job to Build the Insane Treehouse He’s Always Wanted

By: | June 22nd, 2015



Foster Huntington got a job designing for Ralph Lauren right out of college.

What would seem like a dream for most new college grads turned into a nightmare for Huntington, who lamented the idea of spending his youth in an office or cubicle.

So, he did what anyone would do… Well maybe not, but he quit his job and decided to pursue building the treehouse of his dreams.

His travels and design work are now extremely popular on Instagram, where is now closing in on one million followers.

Below, you can check out the documentary that was made while building The Cinder Cone, in addition to pictures from Foster Huntington himself.

Looks pretty sweet for a 27-year-old to chill and work out of!

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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