You Never Knew You Needed McDonald’s New Takeout Bags With a Tearaway Cardboard Tray

By: | May 9th, 2015



Finally! McDonald’s has come up with a solution for those of you tired of sticking your hand down into a greasy bag searching for the last of your french fries.

The fast food giant has completely redesigned its paper bags with a tear away strip, essentially providing you with a relatively sturdy and nice sized tray for your food.

Developed by McDonald’s Hungary alongside ad agency DDB Budapest, the tray is comprised of reinforced cardboard that is both eco-friendly and recyclable.

I never really knew I needed this, but I commend McDonald’s for making it easier to eat their super unhealthy food when I do get a craving for a cheeseburger.

If anything, the new tray will make it easier to eat while driving, a dangerous task for those of you who have ever fumbled around looking for your food inside a paper bag on the highway.

McDonald’s BagTray from DDB Budapest on Vimeo.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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