Fuhu & Dreamworks: Immersing Kids In Engaging Educational Experiences

By: | November 22nd, 2014

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One of the America’s Fastest Growing Companies

If anyone needs a new technology based educational ecosystem it is kids. It is children who have one foot in the old world, educated in traditional schools, and one in the new, having smartphone and tablet technology in their hands from their earliest days.

No one can say that this technology will immediately do the trick, but it is a start, a baseline technology which educations can use to record and measure results and make tweaks as evidence comes in. Certainly, Fuhu will be a success if it can help children improve their math, reading, social studies and science skills.

Fuhu’s new platform is a full featured Android table that combines an advanced operating system with an OS overlay called Blue Morpho. The tablet has advanced headphones, touchscreens, WiFi, cloud based software services, hardward, a camera, data storage, accessories and advanced graphics in which to immerse kids.

Fuhu Tablet

Fuhu Tablet (Image Courtesy www.fuhu.com)

Fuhu & Dreamworks Platform

Fuhu, an El Segundo, CA startup has raised over $50 million and has partnered with Dreamworks Animation to create the first computer tablets on the market made just for children. Fuhu has created the nabi tablet, now available at a host of major US retailers including Best Buy, GameStop, Target and Walmart. Fuhu recently made Forbes list as one of the most promising and fastest growing companies in the US.

Blue Morpho has more than 400 kid-focused features and incorporates a stylus, near field gaming technologies, and more. DreamWorks Animation has contributed its expertise in graphics and video so that Fuhu content is engaging and exciting. Finally, Fuhu has excellent parental controls, a Nvidia Tegra 3 processor and retails for just $199.

The latest version, shown in the following video, is the Fuhu Nabi 2.

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David Russell Schilling

David enjoys writing about high technology and its potential to make life better for all who inhabit planet earth.

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