This Industrial Fanless Panel PC is Perfect for Kiosks and Digital Retail Signage

By: | March 24th, 2014



The Winsonic fanless panel PC comes with incredible customer service and is an all-in-one solution for interactive kiosks in hotels, airports, and public transports. Not to mention, the PC is perfect for retail signage displays in shopping malls and restaurants. It utilizes an IP66 stainless design for easier cleaning and liquid run off.


The panel PC looks wonderful in public, especially in areas where the PC is installed above eye-level locations in vertical orientation, such as digital menus in restaurants and exhibit displays in trade shows.


Perfect Heat Conductive

The thermal module helps by transferring internal energy to the outer heat sink.


Perfect Heat Float

Winsonic also provides low power Intel® Atom™ processors, N270 and D525.

These features not only reduce utility bills, but also increase the system’s lifespan, effectively lowering the total cost!


Lastly, the dual core processor is paired with DDR3 memory to handle multimedia content streaming and interactive touch selection tasks simultaneously.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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