5 Ways To Reduce Individual Carbon Footprint To Live A Sustainable Life

By: | November 28th, 2022

Image by Picography from Pixabay

In recent years, the spotlight on climate change has been high because of its visible environmental impact. Countries across the globe are doing their best to meet the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals); however, the government cannot alone work on carbon reductions. In other words, everyone should come together to reduce carbon emissions and play their bit in fulfilling their social responsibility. Even though the real solution lies in global action, individuals can work to fix their carbon credits to lessen the impact on the environment. Here are a few ways to work on carbon offsetting your personal carbon emissions. However, before getting started, let us understand more about carbon footprint. 

What Is Carbon Footprint?

A carbon footprint measures the total amount of greenhouse gasses emitted into the atmosphere. Even though the carbon footprint of an organization or a nation is measured, one can also calculate an individual carbon footprint. The major carbon footprint contributors are fossil fuel burning, agricultural produce, land-use change, industrial process and waste generation. 

Even though 100 companies contribute 71% of the global carbon footprint, it is crucial as an individual to work towards reducing the carbon footprint. When individuals try to reduce their individual carbon footprint, they take a step towards fighting climate change. Furthermore, all the small accounts count, and it can contribute to significant results. Additional benefits of reducing carbon footprint also include low energy bills and a healthier lifestyle. Now that we know the basics of carbon footprint let us figure out the ways to reduce it. 

1. Go Digital

Technology now allows the individual to work online and reduce the paperwork that helps prevent deforestation. Furthermore, instead of travelling to meet someone, you can consider going for video conferencing. Doing so will help you to reduce both vehicle emissions and waste generation. Similarly, you can float online surveys like McDVoice and TellPopeyes instead of paper surveys to go digital. Finally, avoid printing documents until and unless highly required. 

2. Drive Less 

The carbon emissions from transportation are more significant than actual emissions from electricity generation. One primary reason for this shift lies in the fact that electricity generation across the globe is shifting to renewable energy. Reports indicate that going carless even for a year can save the Earth from 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. Letting go of different modes of transportation altogether is not possible. However, at the same time, it is possible to walk towards environmental sustainability by driving less, walking more and changing from personal to public vehicles. 

3. Save Energy In Your Home

There are many, many ways in which you can save energy at your home. You can begin by switching off the light or appliances when you are not using them. If switching off is impossible, you can enhance energy efficiency by putting the device in sleep mode. Furthermore, LED lights use 85% less energy than incandescent light. You should consider switching to LED lights if your house still has incandescent lights. Lastly, look for an energy star when buying new appliances.

4. Don’t Engage In Fast Fashion 

Even though it brings trendy items, fast fashion is not sustainable. These items’ durability is designed in a manner so that they quickly get dumped in landfills. The result? Methane in the atmosphere after decomposition. It is better to invest either in vintage clothing or clothes of high quality that last for years. Also, when purchasing clothes from a brand, check whether they are involved in corporate social responsibility or CSR. You can do your bit by buying clothes from brands that are working towards sustainability. Also, while considering a particular brand’s corporate sustainability, consider ESG for a holistic analysis. 

5. Make A Change In Your Diet

Even though one might think their diet does not affect the climate, it is not valid. For instance, meat products require a lot of energy, land and water. Furthermore, it generates plenty of methane, which is not clean. Also, foods that arrive at your plate by getting shipped from overseas consume more resources. Therefore, consider investing in local produce and try to eat fewer animal products. 

Lastly, try to think green while making any decision in your life. Even though engaging in net zero action is not possible for everyone, still working on reducing the carbon footprint is achievable for sure. By following the tips shared above, you can contribute your bit to save the planet.


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