4 Ways Your Business Can Leverage Sustainable Technology In 2017

By: | January 31st, 2017

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Have you given any thought as to how your business can leverage sustainable technology in 2017? Becoming a more sustainable business doesn’t have to be difficult. You can easily partner with technology suppliers that specialise in developing sustainable products. Here are a few things that your business should consider taking advantage of.


Benefit: It helps to close the loop by using the plastics from used ink cartridges, while minimising deforestation through the use of wood.

Used Ink cartridges are a significant problem for the environment. Of more than 80 million cartridges that are produced each year, less than 30% are actually recycled. Ink cartridges that end up in landfill sites can remain there for up to 1000 years. Furthermore, the toxins from the cartridges can affect the environment and the local ecosystem.

Participating in ink cartridge recycling programs helps to close the loop and develop new technologies such as ewood. It’s been hailed as a breakthrough because the plastics that would usually be discarded can be reused in another long-lasting product.

Ewood can be used in building materials, retaining walls and furniture. The wood is said to be both bacteria and insect resistant. Additionally, contributing to the creation of this product can help to conserve water.

LED lights.

Benefit: They help to minimize electrical consumption by using the energy that would otherwise be lost in the form of heat if the bulb were an incandescent. This helps to reduce the amount of energy consumed, as well as costs.

Lighting often accounts for approximately 15% of energy consumption costs. The issue with energy consumption is that most of the energy that is consumed is generated from non-renewable sources such as coal and oil. The burning of these fossil fuels to produce energy contributes massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere, which contributes towards climate change.

By investing in LED technology, not only will you be reducing your overhead electrical costs over the long-term, but you will minimize your contribution towards carbon emissions.

Sustainable buildings.

Benefit: Save energy and conserve water, while providing an enhanced working experience for employees.

There are several buildings around the world that are designed in a way so that they make the best use of sustainable technology. For example, The Crystal in London is completely powered by electricity, which is generated from the solar panels on the building. Artificial lighting is powered by LED lights and smart technology, which turns on the lights when its sensors detect if there’s not enough daylight present. Additionally, the building collects rainwater and also treats water and sewerage onsite.

There are also several skyscrapers that power their buildings with wind energy, such as Bahrain’s World Trade Center.

Carbon capture technology.

Benefit: Capturing carbon emissions, harvesting them and turning them into products that can be used by companies, thus creating a zero waste process.

There’s optimism for carbon capture technology to curb carbon emissions, if rolled out successfully. This could be a viable solution for the thousands of coal-fired power plants around the world and other businesses that emit thousands of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. There are theories suggesting that the technology can reduce carbon emissions by 80-90%. But there is also uncertainty with its effects over the long-term.

Nonetheless, if your business is industrial and emits tonnes of carbon dioxide into the environment, then investing in this technology should be considered.

Start taking advantage of these sustainable technologies today. The availability of these technologies will differ depending on where you are based in the world. However, small steps towards sustainability can yield big benefits in the future.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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