Would you like to contribute an article to IndustryTap?
We genuinely welcome articles from contributors that comply with the following guidelines:
- All articles must be unique. Your article submission cannot be published elsewhere.
- All articles must be related to the industrial marketplace.
- All articles must be edited for grammar and spelling.
- All articles must be interesting to a broad industrial audience. Ask yourself, “Would readers find this article interesting enough to share?”
- No SEO links. Links are fine as long as they enhance the quality of the article and readers experience. A link can be added within the Author Bio.
- No promotional or commercial articles with be posted.
- No press release or product announcement articles.
- Interesting industrial application stories are acceptable, if not overly promotional. One company mention should be sufficient.
If your articles meets the above guidelines please fill in the form below.
Unfortunately, the majority of articles submitted don’t comply. However, we do have a solution for companies that want to reach our engaged industrial audience. Please click here for more information.
Thank You.