Listen to What a 3D Printed Violin Made from White Resin Sounds Like

By: | August 18th, 2016



Last year, we wrote about the world’s first 3D printed violin, which actually sounds pretty good when played by musician Laurent Bernadac.

Now, we have another 3D printed violin on our hands, thanks to Formlabs engineer Brian Chan.

It’s made with SLA (StereoLithoGraphy) printing technology and comprised of white resin. Violinist Rhett Price demonstrates just how good a 3D printed violin can sound.

To be honest, if I didn’t know it was 3D printed, I doubt I could tell a difference between it and traditional violin.

It is worth noting that the violin utilizes carbon fiber reinforcements to ensure it doesn’t break down over time.

Marshall Smith

Technology, engineering, and design enthusiast.

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